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conical hillfort - Zabytek.pl


woj. opolskie, pow. strzelecki, gm. Leśnica - obszar wiejski

The hillfort in Wysoka is probably one of the guard complexes located along the medieval east-west route from Toszek towards Krapkowice and Gogolin, and further on to Opole.

History of the structure

Survey examination allowed to determine the chronology of the site to the late medieval period (from the end of the 13th century to the 15th century);

Description of the structure

Location of the site: the hillfort is located behind the village buildings, among gardens - orchards and fields, on the eastern side of the main street, on part of a land plot separated from an arable field; about 400 m southeast of the church and about 100 m south of the pond.

Description of the site: the hillfort has an oval shape. The mound with a four-sided base with rounded corners is surrounded by a shallow partially preserved moat (now partially ploughed). The site has a diameter of about 25 m: the moat 5-7 m and the mound 18-20 m. The height of the mound is about 3-4 m, the depth of the moat about 0.5 m. The site is overgrown with trees: earlier fruit trees, now mainly birches. It is clearly distinguishable in the area: located behind farm buildings.

Progress and findings of archaeological research: in 1934 information about the structure was obtained by G. Raschke who conducted a surface survey. The hillfort is marked on a map from 1939. The survey research in 1972 was carried out by E. Tomczak. He found several fragments of thrown vessels in the inner yard. In 1984, a contour plan of the hillfort was drawn up.

The hillfort in Wysoka is located in an area that used to be covered with a forest in the Middle Ages. It was situated by the local routes, e.g. to Strzelce Opolskie, St. Anne’s Hill or Toszek. The hillfort may have played a guarding role: it is probably one of the guard complexes located along the medieval east-west route from Toszek (hillforts in Balcarzowice, Brzezina, Zakrzów, Obrowiec), towards Krapkowice and Gogolin, and further towards Opole.

Visitor access. The hillfort is located on private land. It is situated at the edge of an unfenced land plot, at the back of farm buildings and gardens. The hillfort can be reached by a dirt road leading east from the bus stop at 23 Strzelecka Street.

Author of the note: Compiled by Krzysztof Spychała, Regional Branch of the National Institute of Cultural Heritage in Opole, 18.05.2018


Category: hillfort

Protection: Register of monuments, Monuments records

Inspire id: PL.1.9.ZIPOZ.NID_A_16_AR.4553, PL.1.9.ZIPOZ.NID_E_16_AR.1145539