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Hillfort - Zabytek.pl


woj. opolskie, pow. głubczycki, gm. Baborów - obszar wiejski

The Raków monument, Site 1 (AZP 101-38/64), is a multicultural archaeological site with a not fully confirmed function and cultural-chronological classification.

It is likely to be a Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age hillfort, possibly also Early Medieval. The site also contains relics of the Neolithic Funnel Beaker culture and a cemetery of the Przeworsk culture from the Roman period.

The dominant feature here is a prehistoric hillfort of the Lusatian culture from the late Bronze Age and early Iron Age, i.e. ca. 900-400 B.C. There are only about 70 archaeological sites of this kind in our country, and only a few in the present Opolskie Voivodeship. The monument is a priceless relic and a source of knowledge about the prehistory of the Polish lands.

History of the structure

Four cultural-chronological phases were recorded at the site. The oldest traces of human activity date back to the Neolithic period and are associated with the people of the so-called Funnel Beaker culture Later, the site was settled in the Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age by people of the Lusatian culture, who probably built a fortified defensive settlement here. In the Roman period the area was a cemetery of the so-called Przeworsk culture, associated with Germanic tribes. The last time the site area was occupied was in the early Middle Ages and there may have been a fortified settlement again, this time Slavic.

Description of the structure

The monument is located on the north-western edge of the village, on a high flood terrace, on the left bank of the Psina (Cyna) River. The site includes arable fields, and there are forest and buildings in the vicinity. The settlement is oval in shape and has an area of about one hectare. Only the north-western section of the rampart is visible; the preserved fragment runs in an arc and is maximally about 100 m long. The course of the north-eastern section of the rampart can be seen in aerial photographs of the site.

Archaeological survey of the site was conducted by Professor Marek Gedl in 1954 and 1962.

Visitor access. The site is accessible all year round.

Author of the note: Michał Bugaj, Regional Branch of the National Institute of Cultural Heritage in Katowice, 09.03.2018.


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  • Bugaj M., Grodziska w zasobach dziedzictwa archeologicznego kraju – uwagi na temat
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  • gm. Pleszew, woj. wielkopolskie, Poznań 2013.
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  • Gedl M., Kultura Łużycka na Górnym Śląsku, Wrocław-Warsaw-Krakow 1962.
  • Niesiołowska-Wędzka A., Początki i rozwój grodów kultury łużyckiej, Warsaw-Wrocław-Cracow-Gdańsk 1974.
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Category: hillfort

Protection: Register of monuments, Monuments records

Inspire id: PL.1.9.ZIPOZ.NID_A_16_AR.6307, PL.1.9.ZIPOZ.NID_E_16_AR.908902