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Luboń Villa - Zabytek.pl

Luboń Villa

villa after 1864 Rabka-Zdrój

Rabka-Zdrój, Orkana 32

woj. małopolskie, pow. nowotarski, gm. Rabka-Zdrój - miasto

The villa, built in the early period of the resort operation, is a valuable example of an early form of the “health and spa” architectural style.


The villa was built probably shortly after 1864, in the early period of operation of the health resort, owing to the efforts of the originator and first owner of the resort, Julian Zubrzycki. It served as a guesthouse for patients staying in the resort. After 1945, it underwent minor renovations, for example, the window joinery was replaced. The interiors were partially altered and adapted to the current functions. Currently, the building accommodates healthcare functions related to the spa as well as hotel rooms.


The villa is situated in the centre of the health resort in ul. Orkana (the main road), on a slope leaning towards the north and the Słonka creek. The building is a detached structure facing the street.  It is a valuable example of an early form of the “health and spa” style with strong classicist features. The villa is a two-level building on a rectangular plan and a five-axis arrangement of the interior. It is covered with a gable roof with a ridge running parallel to the street. The building has a wooden log structure and is plastered. It sits on a high leveling foundation (to the north) with cellars. The roof is covered with sheet metal. The front façade has a classicist, symmetrical form with nine axes. It has a vertical articulation highlighted by fluted pilasters. The three central axes are occupied by a portico with four pillars supporting a triangular top covered with a gable roof. At the first floor level, the portico embraces a balcony with a metal railing. Double-leaf doors lead to the vestibule. The plastered façade is yellow; the pilasters and pillars of the portico are painted white. The back façade is asymmetrical, partially covered with battened beams. The side façades have two-level porches with a pole structure, glazed and covered with separate shed roofs. Above the porch canopies, the roof gables are planked vertically and horizontally and have single windows. The eave of the roof rests on rafters with profiled tips.  

The structure can be accessed from inside and outside.

Author of the note Olga Dyba, Regional Branch of the National Institute of Cultural Heritage in Kraków 15/02/2017


  • Matuszczyk A., Trybowska E., Rabka i okolice. Przewodnik i informator turystyczny, Rabka Zdrój 2001.
  • Beiersdorf Z., Krasnowolski B., Rabka studialne materiały konserwatorskie, mps. Kraków 1978.

Category: villa

Architecture: Swiss chalet style

Building material:  wood

Protection: Register of monuments, Monuments records

Inspire id: PL.1.9.ZIPOZ.NID_N_12_BK.191108, PL.1.9.ZIPOZ.NID_E_12_BK.385805