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Hoffmann kiln - Zabytek.pl

Płaza, Jana III Sobieskiego 43

woj. małopolskie, pow. chrzanowski, gm. Chrzanów - obszar wiejski

The ring oven in Płaza is a precious and unique monument of industrial architecture.

It is Poland-only preserved, almost unchanged, and complete example of the Hoffmann kiln adapted to the firing of lime and one of the few still existing in Europe (such kilns would most often be designed for firing bricks).


The Lime Works in Płaza were established in 1890. Originally, they were called, Wapienniki, Kamieniołomy i Fabryka Mielonego Wapna w Płazie [Lime Works, Quarries and the Factory of Milled Lime in Płaza], to be referred to later simply as “Wapiennik” (lime works). The founders of the works were Józef Stanisław Retinger, a lawyer from Kraków, and Gustaw Baruch, an entrepreneur from the same city. At the same time, limestone necessary for the production of lime for the construction industry began to be sourced in a nearby quarry. From the mid-20th century, the plant also produced construction and road aggregate and lime for the food and chemical industries. In the period of over a hundred years of its history, the works were reorganised and changed their owners and names several times. Currently, Wapiennik is defunct. Since 2006 it has belonged to the company named GiGa, now in the process of liquidation. The Hoffmann ring kiln for lime firing was built in 1892. The wooden structure enclosing the kiln was erected in 1949. Since its commencement, the facility has been preserved in an almost unchanged condition. It has not been operative for many years.


The kiln is located in the north-west part of Płaza, near the boundary with Chrzanów, on the premises of the former Wapiennik works. The structure was built of firebrick on an ellipse plan; on the outside, it is lined with stone blocks. Inside the kiln, there are 16 ring chambers for lime firing (currently built up), a furnace and a system of ducts and exhausts for heat transfer. The kiln is encased in a wooden, two-level framework casing built on a rectangular plan, covered with a gable roof with air vents in the planes. The internal part of the structure supported a track which was used to supply coal to a storage and stoker station located on the upper floor. The historical building is a version of a brick kiln adapted to lime firing. It was patented in 1858 by the German industrialist Friedrich Eduard Hoffmann. Although the modified devices were referred to as ring kilns, all similar solutions were called with Hoffmann’s name. Energy-saving, efficient, and easy-to-use, the facilities were in use in Polish industrial plants until the 1950s. Today, such kilns are still used in some ceramic workshops.

The building can be viewed from the outside. Sightseeing possible after obtaining the consent of the current administrator of the former lime works.

Author of the note Tadeusz Śledzikowski, Regional Branch of the National Institute of Cultural Heritage in Kraków 20-10-2014


  • Encyklopedia Powszechna, vol. VI, Kraków Wydawnictwo Gutenberga [b.r.w.], p. 190.
  • Słownik geograficzny Królestwa Polskiego i innych krajów słowiańskich, vol. VIII, Warszawa 1887, p. 281.
  • Karta ewidencyjna, Piec wapienniczy typu Hoffmann, oprac. Tadeusz Śledzikowski, Kraków 1999, Archiwum Wojewódzkiego Urzędu Ochrony Zabytków w Krakowie.
  • Historia Wapiennika [b.aut], http;//muzeumplaza.pl/historia-wapiennika/.
  • Wydobycie i przetwarzanie wapieni w Płazie [b.aut], http://chrzanow.pl/index.php?id=2908.
  • Local visual inspection and information collected by the author in Płaza.


Architecture: nieznana

Building material:  brick

Protection: Register of monuments, Monuments records

Inspire id: PL.1.9.ZIPOZ.NID_N_12_BL.46026, PL.1.9.ZIPOZ.NID_E_12_BL.39243