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Earthen mound in Kosina site 10 - Zabytek.pl


woj. lubelskie, pow. kraśnicki, gm. Annopol - obszar wiejski

The earthen mound in Kosin is a unique element in the cultural landscape of the Lublin region.

It is the only object of this type in the northern part of the Sandomierz Basin.Reconstructed after excavation works, it is still an important element of the cultural landscape.The burial mound has existed in the village “since times immemorial” and, in a way, it embodies the values associated with its cultural heritage. 


According to the Voivodeship Heritage Protection Officer, the mound is an ancient kurgan probably from the early Bronze Age. Archaeological research, which covered the entire mound, has not provided conclusive evidence on its chronology or the reason for its construction.


The earthen mound is situated about 500 m north of the buildings of the village of Kosin, in a forest called Borowina, on the right bank of the Sanna River valley, about 200 m in a straight line east of its bed. 

In 1985, when the decision on inscription in the register of monuments was being drawn up, the preserved earthen mound in Kosin had a diameter of approximately 15-17 m and a height of 1.5 m. When archaeological research had been completed, the mound was reconstructed. Today, it has a height of about 2.5 m. It follows the contours of the terrain, but it probably has not retained its original form. 

Although the mound was completely destroyed during research activities, it is still included in the register of monuments, because it has been reconstructed and therefore is thought to be an important element of the cultural landscape. The inscription of the register of monuments has been retained also because the chronology and function of the mound has not a yet been established, despite having been investigated by means of archaeological excavations.  

Progress and findings of archaeological fieldwork activities

Archaeological excavations at the site were performed in 1986 by Barbara Bargieł and Jan Gurba.

Surface surveys of the site, carried out as part of the AZP project (Archaeological Picture of Poland), took place in 1985.

Based on research, it was established that the mound had been raised within a settlement of the Lusatian culture, dating to the 5th Bronze Age - the beginning of the Hallstatt period. The researchers did not manage to establish the date or the reason for constructing the mound, because it did not contain and burial/burials or dating materials. The outer layer of the mound was very thin and contained contemporary humus. The second layer is the actual burial mound and consists of sandy earth. Underneath, there is a layer of primary soil at a depth of approximately 1.5-1.6 m, thought to be the utility level of the settlement, because it contained the largest amount of moveable artifacts. Below the base of the mound, researchers discovered an unrelated storage hollow/?/ of the Lusatian culture. A coin from the 17th century was discovered in a looter’s trench from modern times. It had been excavated within the mound up to a depth of 1.40 m under its base. In the opinion of the researchers who have investigated the site, the contents of the mound were probably not found by the looters, because otherwise they would have not dug out a shaft which was deeper than the burial mound itself.

After having analysed the available historical data, the researchers ruled out the possibility that the site may have served as a border mound.

The site is open to visitors.

compiled by Ewa Prusicka, National Institute of Cultural Heritage, Branch Office in Lublin, 18 April 2016


  • Drewko M., Sprawozdanie z czynności Państwowego Konserwatora Zabytków
  • Przedhistorycznych na okręg lubelski za rok 1924, 1925, 1926, “Wiadomości Archeologiczne”, 1929, vol. 10, p. 283
  • Nosek S., Materiały do badań nad historią starożytną i wczesnośredniowieczn międzyrzecza Wisły i Bugu, “Annales UMCS”, 1957, sec. F, vol. VI: 1951, p. 372.
  • Gurba J., Bargieł B., Kosin, gm. Annopol, woj. tarnobrzeskie, stan. 10, “Informator Archeologiczny. Badania 1986 roku”, Warsaw 1987, p. 48.


Category: other

Protection: Register of monuments, Monuments records

Inspire id: PL.1.9.ZIPOZ.NID_A_06_AR.1809, PL.1.9.ZIPOZ.NID_E_06_AR.2147720,PL.1.9.ZIPOZ.NID_E_06_AR.214784