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hillfort - Zabytek.pl


woj. lubuskie, pow. sulęciński, gm. Lubniewice - obszar wiejski

The hillfort belongs to a group of well-preserved sites from the early Middle Ages that are of importance for the recognition and analysis of settlements in the Middle Odra region.


A hillfort in Glisno was established in the early Middle Ages and most likely functioned between the 7th and the 10th century and in the 13th/14th century. Ceramics, iron objects as well as pig and deer bones were found at the archaeological site. 


Location of the heritage site

The hillfort is situated on an overgrown hill elevated to 80 m ASL, 2.5 km to the west of the Glisno village, 200 m from the Lubniewsko Lake. The area around the lake is largely wooded and administered by the National Forest Holding. 

The site in Glisno is a two-component hillfort of the highland type with dimensions of 80 x 150 m. It is an oval, concave feature enclosed with a moat and an external rampart with a height of 4 m. The dimensions of the external part of the hillfort amount to 40 x 50 m.

Progress and findings of archaeological fieldwork 

Probing studies were carried out in the hillfort in 1962 by Edward Dąbrowski and in 1963 by Adam Kołodziejski and Bogdan Kres. There are no publications referring to the results of the archaeological studies. What we know is that the abovementioned archaeological finds were encountered in the hillfort: ceramic parts and iron objects together with animal bones. The site was also penetrated during the surface studies carried out in 1994 in the course of the “Archaeological Picture of Poland” project.

The hillfort is accessible all year round, but it is difficult to access it through the forest due to the lack of hard-surfaced roads in the vicinity. The site is also accessible from the Lubniewsko Lake.

compiled by Dr Krzysztof Garbacz, National Institute of Cultural Heritage, Regional Branch in Zielona Góra,23-11-2017


  • Kowalenko W., Grody i osadnictwo grodowe Wielkopolski wczesnohistorycznej, Poznań 1938, p. 205, no. 103.
  • Hensel W., Studia i materiały do osadnictwa Wielkopolski wczesnohistorycznej, vol. 2, Poznań 1953, p. 33.
  • Kurnatowska Z., Łosińska A., Perspektywy badań nad wczesnym średniowieczem ziemi lubuskiej, [in:] Leciejewicz L., Gringmuth-Dallmer E. (ed.), Człowiek a środowisko w środkowym i dolnym Nadodrzu. Badania nad osadnictwem pra- i wczesnodziejowym, “Spotkania Bytomskie” 2, Wrocław 1996, p. 167, no. 5.


Category: hillfort

Protection: Register of monuments, Monuments records

Inspire id: PL.1.9.ZIPOZ.NID_A_08_AR.14557, PL.1.9.ZIPOZ.NID_E_08_AR.105157