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Hillfort - Zabytek.pl


woj. lubuskie, pow. sulęciński, gm. Torzym - obszar wiejski

The hillfort belongs to well-preserved facilities coming from the first stages of the early Middle Ages.


The hillfort in Garbicz was built in early Middle Ages and was in use between the 7th and the 10th century. The type-site yielded small fragments of fully (?) rounded clay utensils. Moreover, a conical object, dated back to the late middle ages, was found there. 


Location of the heritage site

A two-component hillfort of the highland type is located in a forest, on a promontory of a hill elevated to 115 m ASL, 500 m to the south of the Wielkie Lake, on the south-east side of Garbicz, 400 m to the north of the Garbicz-Debrznica road. 

The site in Garbicz is a concave (horseshoe-shaped) feature with two ramparts and moats preserved at the north-west end. The height of the defensive wall surrounding the inner yard amounts to approx. 1.5 m above the interior of the hillfort. There is a small, round hill surrounded by a ditch (?) at the ramparts. The site area is overgrown by a forest. 

Progress and findings of archaeological fieldwork

Probing works were carried out in the hillfort several times - in 1889, 1897 and in the years 1961-1962. Moreover, the hillfort was penetrated in 1991 during surface surveys in the course of which 15 fragments of ceramics were collected. During the earlier excavation works, large amounts of ash were encountered (traces of a building?). On the basis of the results of the studies it was determined that the hillfort had most likely been developed only along the rampart, where an intense layer of burnt material was found. The middle part of the inner yard may have remained non-developed.

The hillfort is available all year round, but access is possible only through the forest. 

compiled by Dr Krzysztof Garbacz, National Institute of Cultural Heritage, Regional Branch in Zielona Góra, 22-11-2017


  • Kowalenko W., Grody i osadnictwo grodowe Wielkopolski wczesnohistorycznej, Poznań 1938, pp. 203-204 (as Garbice).
  • Sczaniecki M., Zajchowska S. (ed.), Ziemia Lubuska, Poznań 1950, p. 343, 347 (fig.).
  • Hensel W., Studia i materiały do osadnictwa Wielkopolski wczesnohistorycznej, vol. 2, Poznań 1953, pp. 14-15.
  • Kurnatowska Z., Łosińska A., Perspektywy badań nad wczesnym średniowieczem ziemi lubuskiej, [in:] Leciejewicz L., Gringmuth-Dallmer E. (ed.), Człowiek a środowisko w środkowym i dolnym Nadodrzu. Badania nad osadnictwem pra- i wczesnodziejowym, “Spotkania Bytomskie” 2, Wrocław 1996, p. 167, no. 22.
  • Lewczuk J., Gród i jego zaplecze w świetle badań powierzchniowych AZP na terenie województwa zielonogórskiego, [in:] S.Moździoch, Centrum i zaplecze we wczesnośredniowiecznej Europie Środkowej, “Spotkania Bytomskie” III, Wrocław 1999, p. 238, no. 6.


Category: hillfort

Protection: Register of monuments, Monuments records

Inspire id: PL.1.9.ZIPOZ.NID_A_08_AR.14551, PL.1.9.ZIPOZ.NID_E_08_AR.200539