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Hillfort - Zabytek.pl


woj. lubuskie, pow. międzyrzecki, gm. Pszczew

A small, conical hillfort from the late Middle Ages - probably a remainder of a seat of a bishop’s clerk from the 13th-15th century, currently serving as a vantage point.

Location and description

The hillfort, referred to as the Tower Hill and Schneckenberg, is located in the norther part of Pszczew, at the west shore of the Pszczewskie Lake, close to the clergy house.

The hillfort in Pszczew is a structure in the form of a tall cone, originally surrounded with a ditch on the west side and neighbouring on a lake on the east side. Its diameter at the base amounts to approx. 45 m. Dimensions of the cone at its top amount to approx. 15 x 20 m, while its height to 15-20 m. Damage caused by a military trench was visible in the upper part prior to the excavation works and arrangement of a vantage point. Currently, the vantage point oversees the lake and some parts of Pszczew, including a historic clergy house located in its direct vicinity.


The hillfort in Pszczew was established in the Middle Ages, in the 13th century, and continued to function until the 15th century. It is not precisely known when the hillfort was destroyed. The dating of the hillfort to the 13th-15th century is confirmed by movable objects of historical value, such as pottery and an octagonal sword pommel.

Progress and findings of archaeological fieldwork activities 

The hillfort was penetrated during surface surveys already in the late 19th century. At that time, it was also introduced in the professional literature and has been mentioned multiple times in various publications ever since. The surveys were carried out, among others, in the years 1956-1967 by Edward Dąbrowski, Adam Kołodziejski and Stanisław Kurnatowski. In 1967 and 1973 the hillfort was measured and sketches were prepared. In 2006 archaeologists from the AKME company based in Wroclaw carried out archaeological and architectural studies in this defensive complex and prepared a precise situation and altitude plan. The studies were carried out in relation to the planned construction of the viewing platform. It was established already during initial penetrations that a layer of anthropogenic deposits found in the hillfort was up to 70 cm thick. Fragments of strongly rounded and turned utensils, of a steel grey colour, as well as a processed deer horn, sword pummel and pugging material were collected at the site.

The hillfort - vantage point is accessible all year round. An asphalt road and a parking lot are located nearby.

Author of the note Dr Krzysztof Garbacz, National Institute of Cultural Heritage, Regional Branch in Zielona Góra, 05.12.2017


  • Hensel W., Hilczer-Kurnatowska Z., Studia i materiały do osadnictwa Wielkopolski wczesnohistorycznej, vol. 5, Wrocław 1980, pp. 314-315.
  • Michalak A., Tzw. grodzisko stożkowate w Pszczewie w świetle źródeł pisanych oraz badań powierzchniowych, [in:] Ziemia międzyrzecka. Szkice z dziejów pogranicza. Materiały z II sesji historycznej zorganizowanej w Muzeum w Międzyrzeczu 15 kwietnia 2004 r., Międzyrzecz-Zielona Góra 2004, pp. 39-48 (earlier sources there).
  • Broda M., Kwaśnica K., Mruczek R., Stefanowicz M., Ratownicze badania archeologiczno-architektoniczne na terenie założenia obronnego w typie zamku „motte” w Pszczewie, gm. loco, stan. nr 1 (nr 76 na obszarze AZP 50-17; gródek stożkowaty z okresu późnego średniowiecza) w 2006 r., Wrocław 2006 (typescript).

Category: hillfort

Protection: Register of monuments, Monuments records

Inspire id: PL.1.9.ZIPOZ.NID_A_08_AR.11074, PL.1.9.ZIPOZ.NID_E_08_AR.136872