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Hillfort - Zabytek.pl


woj. warmińsko-mazurskie, pow. elbląski, gm. Tolkmicko - obszar wiejski

An example of an upland hill fort with outstanding defensive profile, constituting a refugium for two settlements located in its immediate vicinity.

Location and description

The structure is located ca. 0.5 km to the north from the village of Łęcze, on the top of a hill belonging to the strand extending along the bank of the Vistula Lagoon. The hill fort is oval in shape and sized ca. 50 x 40 m. It is surrounded by a rampart, of which three sections have survived. At the base, the ramparts are 6 to 10 m thick, and their height in relation to the level of the existing yard is up to 2.5 m. The yard's area is ca. 600 m2 .


The fort in Łęcze functioned in the Early Iron Age, and was a one-stage structure (populated within a single continuous period). The hill fort was intensely examined before the World War II. In the northern part of the yard, there is a stone commemorating R. Dorr — a German scientist who carried out archaeological research on the fort.

Condition and results of archaeological research

The first examinations on the hill fort were carried out before the World War II. Unfortunately, their results did not survive. Archaeological examinations were carried out once again in years 1958-1959, under direction of J. Antoniewicz. Due to intense excavations conducted by German scientists on the yard of the hill fort, the post-war examinations were focused on the south-western part of the structure, and covered the rampart ridge, small part of the yard, and two settlements connected with the hill fort. The examination results enabled to determine that the fort was continuously inhabited by a small number of people. Remaining population inhabited the nearby settlements. Particular defensive significance of the structure is demonstrated by strongly elaborated wooden and earthen structures of ramparts surrounding the structure. During the examinations, numerous fragments of vessels were found, with features of Lusatian, Pomeranian, and Baltic culture, as well as other movable historical items, including amber nuggets.

The site of the hill fort is crossed by a red tourist route.

Compiled by Hanna Mackiewicz, Regional Branch of the National Heritage Board in Olsztyn, 4.09.2014



  • Antoniewicz J., Zagadnienie wczesnożelaznych osiedli obronnych na wschód od dolnej Wisły i w dorzeczu rzeki Pregoły, [w:] Wiadomości Archeologiczne, t. XX, 1954, s. 330.
  • Dąbrowski J., Badania na grodzisku Łęcze, pow. Elbląg w roku 1958 [w:] Wiadomości Archeologiczne, t. XXVI, 1959-1960, s. 266-272.
  • Dąbrowski J., Wyniki prac wykopaliskowych na grodzisku Łęcze, pow. Elbląg [w:] Wiadomości Archeologiczne, t. XXXII, 1966-1967, s.385-404.

Category: hillfort

Protection: Register of monuments, Monuments records

Inspire id: PL.1.9.ZIPOZ.NID_A_28_AR.86842, PL.1.9.ZIPOZ.NID_E_28_AR.1676452